Book Fellowship

Dear Friends

As intimated on the Lord’s Day, we hope to have another congregational fellowship this Thursday at 8pm.

As agreed last week we intend to try and cover a little of the Pilgrim’s Progress each time. This week we are just beginning, so if you are able to access a copy of the book, then please read up to the point where Pliable returns to Destruction. The text then says: “And thus much concerning Pliable.” If you do not have a copy at home then I can send a link where to access a digital copy or ebook.

Depending on your copy it is probably six or seven pages worth of text. Children are welcome to join us, and probably have their own copies of the story.

As before, this fellowship can be accessed by Zoom conference using the same details as before – either telephone or weblink.

If anyone is unsure at all, or struggling to join in the meeting then please just call or email the manse, and we will do our best to get you logged in!

Looking forward to seeing you all again.

Every blessing

Greg MacDonald

Fellowship for the congregation


As intimated tonight at the Prayer Meeting, the Kirk Session have agreed to seek to foster fellowship within the congregation by remote conference.

Tomorrow evening (Thursday 16th April) at 8pm we hope to have our first via Zoom. This platform allows everyone in the congregation to join. You need only a phone and the correct number. If you are able to use computer or smartphone/tablet technology then you can download the ‘Zoom’ app and access video and sound, but if not the phone itself allows you to hear everyone else present and join in if you wish.

For details please email me directly or phone. Either 810037 or and I will be delighted to pass on further information about how it (hopefully) works!

Every blessing

Greg MacDonald

Denominational Prayer Meeting

Dear friends

Our Edinburgh congregation have recently begun hosting church-wide prayer meetings on Monday evenings via the Zoom conferencing solution. Many of those who have been able to attend (remotely) have found it of great benefit. If you would like to join, please note it can be accessed either by ordinary telephone, mobile phone, via the Zoom app, or the Zoom website. Details are attached below:

Dear Christian friends

The meeting can be accessed as follows:

Topic: Monday Prayer Meeting
Time: Apr 6, 2020 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 438 8481

One tap mobile
+442034815237,,8244388481# United Kingdom
+442034815240,,8244388481# United Kingdom

Dial by your location
+44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
+44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom

Meeting ID: 824 438 8481

Find your local number:

Kind Regards

James I. Gracie

Sri Lanka Update

Update from Sri Lanka: Covid 19

Impact from the Corona Virus is felt in every nation, and while there are many legitimate concerns in our own society about basic supplies, health care, and the longer-term economic impact upon individuals and business – these concerns are massively escalated in a less prosperous nation. Many of the problems reported by the media about life in India are replicated in neighbouring Sri Lanka.
Because a significant number of people are daily wage earners who purchase food from day to day, many have no way of ‘stocking up’. Shelves and fridges are not full of food; most do not have a fridge.
As in the UK there is a shutdown, including all but essential travel, though in Sri Lanka the shutdown is far more reaching. Food shops are closed with only healthcare and other essential services maintained. This absolute curfew is to be maintained for 3 days, after which it will be lifted for 6 hours, followed by a further 3 day shut down. Only during these 6 hours will the shops be permitted to open. The phenomenon of standing in an orderly queue while waiting to be served is quite unknown in Sri Lanka. The anticipated melee is just the scenario where the virus could quickly spread.
To make matters worse, it is reported that a Charismatic Pastor in a neighbouring district, returned from a visit to Europe, and rather than self-isolate as would have been prudent, organised a public rally (this was before the curfew). The rally promised dramatic healings, with prayer and blessings sufficient to make people immune from Corona Virus. Tragically, the pastor had unwittingly contracted the virus abroad, and now many are fearful that it has spread. Inevitably this has an impact upon how the church is viewed in this Hindu society, with some of Pastor Parthee’s neighbours even asking his landlord if he was wise to continue renting his property to Parthee.
But when doors are shut God can open them. Parthee has been able, through various personal contacts, to purchase sufficient supplies to provide each needy family in the congregation with a basic food parcel: rice, flour, sugar, onions, dry fish and lentils.
You might wonder how, with the strict curfew, Parthee has been able to collect the provisions from the suppliers and then deliver to each family. Again the Lord opened a door. A few days ago, as the situation was escalating, Parthee purchased facemasks, which he went around his district distributing to the local policemen. “You”, he said, “have to work hard keeping everyone else safe, but who will take care of you? Please wear this mask.” The consequence is that Parthee is now saluted, rather than stopped, on the otherwise deserted streets.
The church immediately, through the Home and Foreign Missions Committee, has sent an emergency payment to pay for these vital basic supplies. However the greatest need is that we unite together in prayer, bringing before God not only our own felt needs, but also the needs of other nations. And particularly that he would preserve and prosper his own church through this time. Please pray for Rev Partheepan and the congregation in Vavuniya and Mullaitheevu.

James MacInnes, Convenor Home and Foreign Missions Committee